How to Donate
The Jerry Bartlett Memorial Angling Collection at the Phoencia Library accepts donations of books and angling artifacts (especially those that relate to the Esopus or other nearby streams) to rebuild the collection that was destroyed when the library was gutted by fire in March 2011. Established in 1996, the Angling Collection included more than 800 books, 18 fishing rods and many treasured artifacts, almost all of which were lost in the fire. Since then, the Anglers' Parlor has reopened in the completely renovated Phoencia Library on Main Street in Phoenicia, NY.
Unlike many other "special collections," the Jerry Bartlett Angling Collection is open to all browsers, and anyone with a valid Mid-Hudson Library System universal borrowing card can take out books or fishing rods.
Financial contributions and donations of books are welcome. Financial contributions should be specified for “The Jerry Bartlett Memorial Angling Collection” and mailed to PO Box 222, Shandaken, NY 12480, or delivered to the library. We will need to screen book donations in order to avoid duplication of titles, so please get in touch with us first to discuss what books you'd like to donate. For more information, please contact Beth Waterman, 845-254-4116.